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January 20.2024
1 Minute Read

Videos are like magic bullets that can blast your way to more customers and profits. Use them right, and your business will explode!

Videos are like magic bullets that can blast your way to more customers and profits. Use them right, and your business will explode!

Here is how:
  • Create "How-to" videos showcasing your products. Nobody reads manuals anymore. They want to see how something works before they whip out their credit card or make a buying decision (including choosing a company to do business with). So show them!  Make short 60-90 second clips demonstrating the key features and benefits.

  • Share client success stories. Let your happy customers be your spokespeople.Interview them on camera about how your product changed their life. These powerful testimonials sell for you while you sleep!

  • Give a video "store tour". Invite viewers behind the scenes to see how you create your products. This builds trust and makes you real. They'll feel like they know you and be more likely to buy.

  • Use video in your emails and websites. Embed videos on landing pages.

    Have them auto-play in your email marketing. This stops scrollers dead in their tracks and grabs their attention!

  • Go live on Facebook. Nothing is more powerful than video streamed real-time. Show special deals and interact with viewers. This creates urgency and a fear-of-missing-out. Ka-ching!

  • Start a video blog. Share your expertise and personality. Give advice and value on topics important to your niche. Fans will eat it up and come back for more!

The bottom line is video connects you with customers like nothing else. It builds engagement, trust and sales. Keep it simple, provide value, be authentic. Do this consistently and soon you'll be swimming in cash from the new business coming your way. Now get out there and start videoing!

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