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From Overwhelm to NEW Revenue: Why a well-designed blog is the secret ingredient you've been missing!

The best commercial websites aren't just eye-catching and engaging; they're also streamlined for moving prospects through the purchasing process. Consumers should be able to easily find the information they need without having to sift through a lot of unnecessary text.

Finding your sales pages, making product and price comparisons, and taking advantage of the latest and best offers shouldn't take any effort at all. To achieve such a site design,  and without eliminating critical info that people might need, you can refine your web pages by moving much of your content to an onsite blog.

Onsite blogs are veritable treasure troves of information that help buyers make confident, informed purchasing decisions. When they have questions that aren't answered on your home page, your service pages, or your "About Us" page, they can simply scroll through your blog posts to find what they need.

Easy access to this information will keep them from navigating away from your site, and having this info archived in your blog will keep your sales platform from looking cluttered and overwhelming.  Moreover, with a well-designed blog, you won't have any onsite distractions slowing down or derailing the sales process entirely. Your bounce rate will also decline.

How a Blog Can Improve Your Bottom Line

A business blog can provide information about your industry, company, services, or products that won't fit on your web pages. These onsite additions give you an opportunity to personalize your brand and approach your prospects and existing clients in a highly personable way. With a blog, you can:

  • Share strategies for maintaining and troubleshooting your products
  • Offer advice on choosing the right product specifications
  • Talk about current events impacting your industry and your supply chain
  • Discuss strategies for saving money without sacrificing value
  • Make product comparisons

Create Transparency, by showing issues you are having with dates, then update when fixed with resolve dates to show your website visitors how much you care about your business, you keep them updated to what is going on. Always update the same blog post when you solve an issue, and make sure to document the dates. This way people can see everything happening and feel like you are the one they should trust.

The possibilities for blog content are limitless. The overarching goal is to give consumers valuable information that sets you apart as an industry expert while simultaneously fostering trust. After all, if people can count on your company for high-value information; they can as well count on your for high-value services and products as well.  Blogs are additionally a highly effective form of inbound marketing.

It is like exchanging information for revenue growth instead of a currency exchange! ??

When blogs are well-designed and fully optimized for search engines, they can bring tremendous amounts of traffic in. People who are looking for answers will discover your brand, and with posts that include links to your sales pages, you can make instant conversions again and again and again. Yes, 3 times for Emphasis, Blogs are POWERFUL Assets!

Maintaining an onsite blog can also improve the search engine ranking of your ENTIRE site, even as it gives you more high-value content to share on social media platforms and in other online spaces.

To find out how we can help you design an engaging blog that's technically fit, easy to navigate, and guaranteed to produce conversions, Schedule a FREE Consultation Today. Learn the Secrets of how Email Marketing and BLOG Marketing mix together to form a POWERFUL Marketing system!

We are always available to help: 405-246-9647



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