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Google Business Profile Call History Tracking is going away

Google Business Profile Call History Tracking: What's Changing and How to Adapt

Google Business Profile has been an indispensable tool for businesses to manage their online presence and engage with customers.

One of its valuable features, call history tracking, has been a vital metric for businesses to measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

However, Google has recently announced that call history reports will no longer be available starting July 31, 2024.

In this article, we'll explore the significance of call history tracking, the reasons behind Google's decision, and how businesses can adapt to this change.

The Importance of Call History Tracking

Call history tracking allowed businesses to monitor the number of calls generated from their Google Business Profile, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of their marketing strategies.

This feature was particularly useful for businesses that rely heavily on phone calls, such as service-based industries like roofers, plumbers, electricians, and consultants.

By tracking call history, businesses could:

  1. Measure the success of their marketing campaigns
  2. Identify which services or promotions were driving the most calls
  3. Optimize their marketing strategies to improve call volume

Why is Google Discontinuing Call History Tracking? 

Google's decision to discontinue call history tracking is part of their ongoing efforts to improve and refine their tools.

While this change may be difficult for some businesses, Google remains committed to providing helpful tools for businesses to manage their online presence.

What Does This Mean for Your Business?

While call history tracking will no longer be available, customers can still find and contact your business via Google Search and Maps.

You will also continue to receive calls from your Business Profile and track other engagement metrics, such as web traffic and directions requests.

However, without call history tracking, you may struggle to understand which marketing efforts are driving the most calls.

Solutions for Tracking Calls

Don't worry... there are alternative solutions to help you track calls and measure the effectiveness of your marketing strategies.

By using tracking numbers, you can monitor calls generated from specific marketing campaigns, websites, or promotions.

This allows you to:

  1. Identify which marketing channels are driving the most calls 
  2. Optimize your marketing strategies to improve call volume 
  3. Measure the success of your marketing campaigns

Get Started with Us

At Actuated Marketing, we offer call tracking solutions to help businesses like yours adapt to the changes in Google Business Profile.

Our tracking numbers provide valuable insights into your marketing efforts, helping you optimize your strategies and improve call volume.

Get started with us today and take control of your marketing metrics. 

In Conclusion...

Google Business Profiles call history tracking feature has been a valuable tool for businesses, but its discontinuation doesn't mean the end of call tracking.

By using tracking numbers, businesses can continue to measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and optimize their strategies to improve call volume.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to take control of your marketing metrics. Get started with us today and discover the power of call tracking, just click the red button above to get started.

Why are we the best ones to help you? We stand up for local businesses, for their employees! We are always hoping that if you have a lot of employees, that they can make enough income to not have to work another job after the day is over, just to help their family.

We know it could be hard, so we want you making as much money as possible so you could give all of your employees higher incomes, of course, that is up to you. We stand up for you, to help you do that if you are willing to. We won't ask you to, that is all up to you.

It is not about us making money, we know if we do our good job for you, then you'll stay with us and we can also pay our employees more money. So click the red button above here and let's get together and see what we can do for you, if we cannot help, we will tell you.



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