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Increase Your Customer Engagement With These Simple Hacks!

Engagement is a crucial metric for most businesses. It's the number of conversations a customer has with your business either over the phone, in-store, or online (Reading your website is a conversation). Most companies measure it by looking at how many emails a customer opens and responds to each day. But there is a more powerful way to gauge engagement. So, let’s dive into the numbers and learn how you can increase them with these simple tips!

✔ Utilize Customized Display Ads

Display ads that fit your audience and apply to their concerns. They increase reach and improve conversion rates. Using customized display ads allows you to reach your ideal customers. They enable you to create opportunities for personal referrals and word-of-mouth.

✔ Target a Specific Audience

For the success of any marketing campaign, targeting the right audience is the key. Talk to the audience, and offer impeccable services. The key to building a solid online presence is knowing your ideal prospects.

Once you figure out an audience, it's easier to craft the right products for them!

✔ The Power of Pixels (Pixels build audiences. a Single Pixel is 1 persons device/computer/browser)

A pixel is a small piece of computer-generated code that appears on your website and in ads. It captures your visitors' information—whether they're clicking through to buy or learn more about a product.

The impact of the pixel goes beyond usability and offers value to your company's potential customers. Use pixels on your sites, and you will see an immense improvement in conversion. People who are "pixeled" can see your ads for up to 90 days!

✔ Use of Video Ads

Marketing is about getting your message out there. Unfortunately, most people block the first few seconds of the video they see (probably because they aren't interested in what's in the video). But if you can get your viewers engaged with a well-produced video, they will be more likely to look at other content related to your business. Plus we have secrets that drive people crazy so they HAVE to watch your video! We can show that to you on a free consultation!

?Bottom Line

Marketing is all about getting attention and getting customers to take action on your website or product. With that in mind, you need to know how to effectively use copy within your ads as well to get your message out there and engage your potential customers. 

Do you need to know more about increasing your engagement and conversion rates? Simply click here to Schedule a FREE Consultation where you can see how we can help you get started on the fast track! Schedule your consultation now! It is 100% FREE until the end of this year. Starting January 1, 2023, our Consultations will all have a fee with them for our time.

So we are still here to help. 405-246-9647



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