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Is Your Website a Great Marketing Machine?

Your business, the neighbor down the street, the big chain store, and probably even your grandparents, all have websites! What do they have in common? They are real estate; internet real estate. So, what does that piece of internet real estate do for you? In some cases, not much. But let’s take a moment to help you see the bigger picture.

First, if you don't have a website, have you been living under a rock? You really need a website. So much so, that we will just assume you do.

Your website can be just taking up space on the internet, or it can be a small piece in a bigger, more effective picture. You don't need a large website to make it an effective marketing tool. A website should be just a part of your overall marketing funnel! It is your 24/7 Representative for the public. Even if you are sleeping, people who find it can learn about your company, your mission, your brand story, your reputation, and more. Can they schedule calls with you? Can they read your reviews? Can they read your mission statement? Your Story?

Your Website as Part of a Marketing Funnel

Think of your website as a step. A step in a process. Maybe your customer saw your ad, or received an email from you about one of your exceptional services and came to your website looking for more information. Your website should be a part of your marketing funnel. If your website isn't set up to sell your services the right way and RIGHT AWAY, and your customer has to go around clicking for the information they are looking for, they are going to see too much information. They're going to get frustrated trying to find the information they are looking for, get distracted, click away, and you're going to lose that customer in 30 seconds, flat. Probably LESS than that. Some Google Analytics show people can bounce off a website in as little as 3 seconds!

You can almost think about selling individual service pages like you would a pop-up ad for anti-aging cream or the latest techie toy. Those pages sell, and so should yours! Design your pages to showcase your unique brand, to stand out from all the other noise (competition), and to have the customer take action. Whether it be to click, opt-in, or call to set an appointment, make sure your pages have highly optimized copy with a strong call-to-action on every page to make sure your customer takes the required action for the next buying action to happen.

The BEST Thing your website can do is showcase your reviews and a way for people to contact you WHILE they are on the website. And if you are closed, have a way for them to schedule a call during your open hours. We have a VERY Affordable Managed Service you can use to accomplish both of those accomplishments, plus allow your website to be ADA Compliant, that means, it will work for people disabled (Blind). It is only $49/month or $99/month, depending on your plan.

You can sign up for it at https://LeverageYourReviews.com it includes a way to stream reviews so 100% of your visitors SEE your Ads, AND a Communications Widget so that people can talk to you WHILE they are on your website, OR if you are closed, schedule a call with you for when you are open again. And if they do schedule a call, it will call YOU at that time they choose, then when you press 1, it will CALL THEM at the number they provided, so it connects you to them. So you don't miss out on visitors! Go get started with that service today and fix the hole in your website, that is currently there.  https://LeverageYourReviews.com

Setting Up Your Website to Sell

There are many ways to create an extremely effective funnel involving your website. You could create new sales pages just for each service. You could use pop-ups or pop-unders that display special offers that drive them to your newly created sales page or to grab those all-important email addresses for email marketing. Make sure you setup Retargeting for all of your visitors!

Whatever your goal, we can provide you with a solution for your business. Call 405-246-9647 today to see what we can do for you or click here to schedule a FREE consultation and together we can explore our proven solutions and see if we are a good fit to work together, plus you get a FREE Bonus when you actually show up to the consultation. We give various bonuses at the end of the consultation. Schedule Yours Today.

We are always here to help. Give us a call: 405-246-9647



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