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The Reputation Checklist: Essential for Any Brand

In the digital age, a good online reputation is essential to any brand's survival and not only survival, but short and long term profitability can both be directly related to your reputation! In fact, the Reputation of YOUR BRAND could be an asset, or a burden on any potential successes!

In days past, it was said, that if you had one customer with a bad experience that it may effect 10 other people. Now days, one persons perceived bad experience can shipwreck your entire business! 1 Bad Review will be seen by THOUSANDS of people looking to evaluate your company as compared to your competition.

Modern consumers are intelligent, and most will do online research before they make a purchasing decision. Ninety percent of consumers say that online reviews impact their decisions on whether to purchase a product. In terms of profits, for every 0.5 star rating increase on a business' page, there is a correlating 6.5% INCREASE in Sales! This means that it is essential for a business to choose a reputation-oriented marketing agency when it comes to growing their brand.

While there are many aspects to managing a strong brand reputation online, there are a few essential steps you MUST take. Our company goes a little in-depth into each of these topics in order to efficiently improve your brand, and in turn, grow your business.

1. Know What Your Customers Know

It is essential to know what potential customers are seeing from your business online. The first step? Try googling your business to see what comes up. Are there unfavorable reviews? Is your business the first to come up? These are all important factors to assess when beginning any reputation-based marketing strategy. After seeing how your business is received online, try searching for your competitor's name and evaluating how it compares to yours. We have an in-depth analysis we can do of your company, to show you exactly what your visitors see and how you stack up against your competition. If you want to have us do this in-depth analysis, schedule a free consultation.

2. Increase Your Visibility

There are so many ways to effectively increase your business' online presence. A few important things to take care of include creating social media profiles, running targeted ads, and creating/updating your website, as well as doing email marketing. Don't discount branding everything the same way so you stand out from your competition who does not even understand what a brand is.

3.  Engage

Make sure to share all your great feedback! Check for reviews daily. When customers leave a review, be sure to post it on your website and social media accounts. Make sure to respond to negative reviews, and leave thank you notes to good reviewers. Ask your customers to follow you on social media, and make sure to follow them back. Why respond to ALL reviews?

Imagine someone comes to your business and has a great experience, and walks up to you and tells you about it. No doubt you are happy. But what if you just looked in their eyes and ignored what they said. How bad would that look? Obviously you would NEVER do that. When you don't respond to good reviews, you are effectively doing that. It appears you are not appreciative of the good experience they had with you. It is worse with bad reviews.

If someone came to your location and came up and expressed their displeasure, and you just ignored them, they would be even more irate and people seeing that, would think something was wrong with you. However, if you calmly deal with the problem as a complaint, and take care of it... well, people that see you do that are even MORE impressed. It is the same for both situations with bad reviews. If you ignore them, people think you don't care about your company. If you respond and take good care of it, then people who read that bad review and see your response will forget completely about how bad the review was!

It makes all the difference in the world. Always respond with a Unique message to every review, good or bad. Pay close attention to the negative reviews and respond in a way that gives EVERYONE ELSE a great reason to ignore the bad review.
With our Reputation Marketing System, we respond to reviews FOR YOU. So you don't have to worry about where and when they appear. Schedule a Free Consultation to learn more.

4. Prevent Crises

This goes hand in hand with the Engagement above we talked about, with responding to all reviews. So going forward, develop a strategy to handle any crisis situation before it results in a bad review. Offer an apology to any dissatisfied customers, and try to resolve the issue if possible. Make sure that ALL of your STAFF knows how important your reputation is, and that they all have a role to play in safeguarding it and making sure it gets better as time goes on.

These are just a few strategies to improve your brand's online reputation. It is important to remember that a brand's online presence is essential to its success. Sixty-eight percent (68%) of consumers say they will pay up to fifteen percent more for the same product or service IF they are assured it will be a better experience, and a whopping ninety-one percent (91%) of consumers say they trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation! Because this task is instrumental to your business' growth, our team will help you grow your positive review count, monitor your reviews online, automate your review acquisition efforts and refine your reputation marketing strategy with our comprehensive done-for-you service, as well as train you and your entire staff (anyone who deals with your visitors). We include everything you need and work for your business 24/7. This is what we do.

If you’re ready to tap into the power of reputation marketing for your business, be sure to contact us today! 405-246-9647 or Book a FREE Consultation here and get a FREE Trial to our Website Review Streaming Widget!

As always we are here if you have any questions:



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